A Time To Share

Our God is a God of Nations:
"He so love the WORLD ... He gave His one and only son..."

Wednesday 31 August 2016


5 herbal tonic soup
is widely used
to increase energy level
strengthen immune system
stimulate appetite

It is suitable for people of all ages
young & old
healthy or weak

5 herbs are:

huang qi or Astragalus Root黃芪 (yellow-brownish slice)
Dang Shen党参 (cylindrical roots)
Huai san淮山 (thick white root sheet)
fu san 茯苓 (irregular white sheet)
wolf-berries or goji berries or commonly called kei chi

There is no fixed ratio
when combining these herbs

If you do not like the huang qi taste
feel free to put just 1 or 2 slices.

As for fuk san a small piece will do.

Dried longan can be added as it has the following benefits:

These are extracts are from rawforbeauty.com

1/2 chicken or pork ribs, chopped

15g wolfberry
15g huai san
15g Dang Shen
10g Fu san
8g huang qi
6 longan

salt to taste, optional

1) clean chicken, blanch in boiling water
2) rinse herbs and put into a pot
3) add enough water and bring it to a boil
4) add chicken and bring it to a boil again
5) lower heat & continue simmering for 2 hours
6) serve hot

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