A Time To Share

Our God is a God of Nations:
"He so love the WORLD ... He gave His one and only son..."

Sunday 17 February 2019


Herbal Tea Eggs
so fragrant and nice, 
I usually cannot resist buying some when passing by the shop.

Thank you Krystal Wee for sharing the recipe.
Don't be like me
attempt to eat it the next day.

The colour is not dark enough.
According to Krystal Wee the key is love & patience, haha!

"2 to 3 days old eggs taste best!"

Here are the herbs and tea leaves used in the recipe

Using a spoon to crack the egg shell when it is cooled.

Here is Krystal Wee's exclusive recipe if you are interested:

Herbal Tea Eggs 
10 eggs, small or medium size
2 slices dang gui
2 slices chuan xiong
2 star anise
3 Tbsp Tea leaves
1/2 handful of red dates
1/2 handful of dried longan
1.5 tsp salt

4 - 6 Tbsp brown sugar
4 - 6 Tbsp dark soya sauce

1) wash eggs, add enough water to cover the eggs
2) add herbs, tea leaves and salt and bring to a boil. 
3) Simmer for 10min, and let cool
4) remove eggs and crack them gently with a spoon
5) put back the eggs, with shell on, into the herbal water
5) add seasoning, more water if necessary and bring to a boil
6) lower the heat and simmer for 30min
7) turn off heat, cover & leave over night
8) reheat until boil. Enjoy

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