A Time To Share

Our God is a God of Nations:
"He so love the WORLD ... He gave His one and only son..."

Sunday 1 July 2018


Egg White Biscuits

Have you eaten these biscuits before?

During my childhood days
they weren't many types of biscuits to choose from.

We call these little yellowish round biscuits,
"Egg Yolk Biscuits"
because it has the shape and colour of egg yolk.

I was so excited when I saw the photo shared by Jong Shias Chin
was told that Kenneth Goh shared this in his blog.

He discovered that these were made with egg white only!
Thank you Kenneth Goh.

Here it is:
Egg White Biscuits,
 to bring back the sweet memories of childhood days.....

Egg White Biscuits
100g cake flour
80g melted butter
60g icing sugar
2 egg white

1. using a whisk to mix together flour and melted butter, leave aside
2. whip egg white until foamy, gradually add sugar. Beat until stiff peaks
3. fold egg white into the flour carefully, until well combined

4. using a round nozzle, pipe batter onto a parchment lined baking tray,
    leaving some space in between to allow for expansion.
5. before sending into the oven, drop the pan onto the table to let trapped air escape
6. bake in preheated oven 160'C in the middle rack for 15-20min

can bake it a bit longer to get a darker shade.

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