Friday, 20 July 2012

The Little Ones

Expression Of Love

These are my 2 lovely grandchildren
Hayley and Ethan
As they are nurtured in love
They grow in appreciation of those around them
and loving each other


Knowing Him, is to THANK HIM

Looking at "the sacrifice He has done for us,
giving up His one and only son, Jesus Christ,
bearing all our sins, suffered pain & rejection
and finally died a cruel death on the cross"

This is done so that we the sinners
can be reconciled back to Him.
His abundant love for us is immeasurable
His tender mercies have made us righteous before Him
How can we not be grateful and thank Him?

Knowing Him, is to ACCEPT HIM
His grace has made us righteous before Him again
It is finished, nothing more we can do or add but
to accept Him as our Lord and Saviour.

There will be rejoicing in heaven when we
believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God,
and we accept Him as our Lord & Saviour
who rose again on the 3rd day.
How can we not accept Him when
everything was done for us?

Knowing Him, is to FOLLOW HIM
When Jesus rose to Heaven
and seated at the right hand of God
He continue to interceed for us
The Holy Spirit dwells in us
to lead and guide us as we journey on earth
The Word of God will nourish our spiritual life
and remind us of the promises of God
He will never leave us nor forsake us
He will pick us up when we fall, ever so forgiving

We can put our whole trust in Him
God knows what we need before we even ask Him!
He call us His own and He cares for us
He wants to pour out His blessings on us
He gives us a hope and a future
Come follow Him, the God of Love

Knowing Him, is to MAKE HIM KNOWN
This is the Great Commision
We have tasted the goodness of God
Let us share with others who are yet to know Him
God's kingdom is without bound
He welcomes all who readily come to Him in simple faith
He loves all, including those who do not know Him
Help to bring them to the knowledge of God
Let us pray.