A Time To Share

Our God is a God of Nations:
"He so love the WORLD ... He gave His one and only son..."

Monday 23 July 2018


Grapefruit Marmalade
is your choice if you want you marmalade
fruity, sweet and with a hint of bitterness.

I love its taste.

I spread it on bread and scones,
as fillings in cakes and muffins,
I even dilute it into a drink!

A warm and refreshing Grapefruit Drink!

The ingredients are simple
but you need a bit of patience to have it done.
If you are interested in this recipe...

Grapefruit Marmalade
1 large (290g) grapefruit
1 large (150g) lemon
2 (335g) oranges
450g sugar
600g water

1) wash fruits and boil whole in water in a saucepan
2) simmer uncovered for 40min, turning once or twice, until skin is soft
3) remove fruits to cool, retain the water
4) slice off rind from fruits and cut into thin  strips
5) discard the white part or pith
6) chop up the fruits, discard the seeds
7) put all fruits and rind back into the water
8) boil for 30min or until liquid is reduced to half
9) add sugar & stir over gentle heat until marmalade gels
10) test by dropping a small drop into a glass of water. 
       If the drop does not spread, it is ready.


Ding Mee Ling
July 27 at 7:43 AM
Such a delightful breakfast with your marmalade. A marvelous combination Katie Foong. Bringing Flashbacks of my late Father in law enjoying his crackers. Marmalade was one.

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