A Time To Share

Our God is a God of Nations:
"He so love the WORLD ... He gave His one and only son..."

Sunday 17 September 2017


Special thanks to Nancy Wei's sharing:
'Sourdough in the Tropics 30C'
her detailed method in baking a good
Tartine Country Bread

Her 'correct process' entails
1) cold autolyse
2) a relatively short bulk fermentation at room temperature
3) a long cold final proof for flavour & open crumb
4) bake cold for easy scoring, good oven spring & ear

Bread Flour + Wholewheat

Bread Flour + Spelt Flour

Both these are flavorful 
nice open crumbs
I failed to get the ears! 

Tartine Country Bread @30C
270g unbleached bread flour (90%)
30g whole wheat flour (10%)
60g sourdough starter@ peak (20%)
210-224g cold water (73-77% hydration)
6g salt (2%) = 1&1/4 tsp

Hand-mix method:
1. mix flour & water, autolyse in fridge for 1 hour
2. add starter, rest dough @ RT 30C for 30min
3. add salt & transfer to an oiled container
4. bulk fermentation:at RT 30C for 3hrs (from addition of starter), with 3-4 snf @20min interval
5. Preshape& rest dough for 20min on counter top
6. Final shape & place in banneton, seam side up
7. final proof (cold retard) for 10 hours
8. preheat oven 250C for 1/2 hour
9. score bread & bake in heated DO, covered for 20min, 
10. remove cover & bake another 15-20min @230C
11. turn off oven & leave bread inside for another 10min

1 comment:

Sze Lynn from Facebook said...

So so happy! Tartine sourdough bread. My aunt Katie Foong recipe is fail proof. “Thank you so much!” Yesterday I did the sandwich loaf, successful in first attempt. This morning I bake tartine and cook sourdough pancake, all successful in the first attempt! The portion is small, suitable for small family!